5 tips for creating printables your students will love

Worksheet Playground

We’ve all been there as educators…you spend hours designing an activity or exercise, and you’re excited to hand it out to your students. You nailed the prep, and you’re ready to watch your lesson come to life…but then…meh, your students don’t engage. They’re distracted and ready to move onto the next activity. What happened to your great idea?! It happens all the time.

Here are 3 tips to make sure your next printable is one that your students bring home and hang on the refrigerator:

  • 1.Brighten it up!Brighten it up! As educators, we’re always cost-conscious and trying to save, especially when it comes to printing. Many teachers will opt for black-and-white ink to save money on colored ink. This is especially true for students with learning disabilities. According to Insight.com, “While color improves the educational experience for all students, it can be transformational for students with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).” While not everything needs to be color, the most captivating printables are full of color and fun designs. Especially if your lesson can be enhanced by introducing color (example: teaching types of flowers in black and white inhibits the learning experience)... don’t skimp on the color! Depending on what grade and age you teach, you might want to consider tailoring your specific colors. Want to increase alertness and make sure students are engaged? Consider swapping in red instead of purple. You can reference Kaplan’s color guide for more information.
  • 2.Keep it short.Less is more when it comes to creating printables. The best length for a worksheet is 2 pages maximum, otherwise you lose your student’s attention. Remember, It’s better to have 5 amazing questions that drive your lesson home vs. 20 questions of mediocre quality.
  • 3.Add images.Adding visuals is an easy step to make your worksheet more enticing for students. You can use Worksheet Playground’s image uploader to add any graphic to your worksheet.
  • 4.Add variety.We’re always fighting against our student’s attention spans. Add variety by mixing up the types of questions you are asking. With Worksheet Playground, you can add multiple Question Types, from Multiple Choice, Mix & Match, Cloze Reading exercises, and more.
  • 5.Add simple, written instructions.Even if you are teaching your students in-person, remember that not all students digest information the same way. Some students will respond better to written instruction. But keep it simple: ideally 1-2 sentences clearly explaining the task at hand.

Do you have any tips for creating printables with your students? Let us know!