
This page provides a summary of Worksheet Playground’s privacy practices.



We take the privacy of all individuals seriously. We do not collect or process student data. Worksheet Playground is designed for adult users, specifically for teachers, educators, administrators and parents. We do not knowingly have any users under the age of 13 using our platform. We do not collect any personal identifiable information (PII) of minors. We do not prompt teachers to submit identifiable information about any students. In doing so, we are compliant with the Family Education Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We are committed to maintaining this compliance moving forward, as well as abiding by any key educational privacy legislation that is passed in the future.

2. Data Privacy

We believe that privacy and security is of utmost importance at Worksheet Playground. We do not collect any personal identifiable information (PII) beyond what is necessary for account creation. We abide by industry best practices to ensure your data is safe and secure, and we aim to respect confidentiality with data entrusted to us.

3. Confidentiality

We do not sell data to third-parties. Our priority is helping educators save time and tailoring the education experience. Selling data does not help us achieve this mission.

Our Commitments

  • Data Protection. We commit to protecting user data with industry-standard security measures. This includes payment encryption, regular security audits, and implementing strict access controls. Safeguarding user data is a top priority.
  • Control. You have control over your personal information and how it's used. Users can delete their information by emailing us at any time.
  • Compliance. Privacy in the world of education is evolving. We consistently monitor new legislation to ensure we are compliant with security measures that protect students and minors.

Have any questions? Email us at

See here to read our full Privacy Policy.